Thinking Classroom Foundation and Representative Committee of University Teachers' Associations jointly organised critical thinking in higher education workshops at the
1. University of Yangon (7-11 October 2019)
2. Hpa-an University (2-6 December 2019)
3. West Yangon University (9-13 December 2019)
4. Kyaing Tong University (16-19 December 2019)
TCF also organised Critical Thinking in Higher Education (CTHE) one-month course in Chiang Mai. CTHE-1 was organised in May 2018 with 17 participants (Professors and Lecturers) from 17 universities. CTHE-2 was organised in May 2019 with 16 participants (Professors and Lecturers) from 16 universities.
1. University of Yangon (7-11 October 2019)
2. Hpa-an University (2-6 December 2019)
3. West Yangon University (9-13 December 2019)
4. Kyaing Tong University (16-19 December 2019)
TCF also organised Critical Thinking in Higher Education (CTHE) one-month course in Chiang Mai. CTHE-1 was organised in May 2018 with 17 participants (Professors and Lecturers) from 17 universities. CTHE-2 was organised in May 2019 with 16 participants (Professors and Lecturers) from 16 universities.
Kyaing Tong University (16-19 December 2019)
Thinking Classroom Foundation, Representative Committee of University Teachers' Associations and Kyaing Tong University jointly organised Critical Thinking in Higher Education workshop at Kyaing Tong University on 16-19 December 2019. Forty Four participants (Professors and Lecturers) from twelve departments attended the workshop. The Rector of the university empowered the workshop. The Rector, Deputy Rector, and Heads of Departments attended at the closing ceremony.
Thinking Classroom Foundation, Representative Committee of University Teachers' Associations and Kyaing Tong University jointly organised Critical Thinking in Higher Education workshop at Kyaing Tong University on 16-19 December 2019. Forty Four participants (Professors and Lecturers) from twelve departments attended the workshop. The Rector of the university empowered the workshop. The Rector, Deputy Rector, and Heads of Departments attended at the closing ceremony.
West Yangon University (9-13 December 2019)
Thinking Classroom Foundation, Representative Committee of University Teachers' Associations and West Yangon University jointly organised Critical Thinking in Higher Education workshop at the West Yangon University on 9-13 December 2019. Thirty one participants (Professors and Lecturers) attended the workshop. The Rector and two Deputy Rectors attended at the closing ceremony.
Thinking Classroom Foundation, Representative Committee of University Teachers' Associations and West Yangon University jointly organised Critical Thinking in Higher Education workshop at the West Yangon University on 9-13 December 2019. Thirty one participants (Professors and Lecturers) attended the workshop. The Rector and two Deputy Rectors attended at the closing ceremony.