Thinking Classroom Foundation, Representative Committee of University Teachers' Associations and Hpa-an University jointly organised a workshop on Critical Thinking in Higher Education on 2-6 December 2019 at the Hpa-an University, Karen State. Twenty-Five participants including Professors, Associate Professors, Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers from Hpa-an University and Technical College in Hpa-an attended the workshop. Five members of Hpa-an University Student Union also participated in the workshop as observers. Deputy Rector and Head of Departments attended the closing ceremony.
University of Yangon (7-11 October 2019)
Thinking Classroom Foundation, Representative Committee of University Teachers' Associations and University of Yangon jointly organised a workshop on Critical Thinking in Higher Education at the Research Centre of the University of Yangon on 7-11 October 2019. Sixteen participants (Professors and Lecturers) attended the workshop.
Thinking Classroom Foundation, Representative Committee of University Teachers' Associations and University of Yangon jointly organised a workshop on Critical Thinking in Higher Education at the Research Centre of the University of Yangon on 7-11 October 2019. Sixteen participants (Professors and Lecturers) attended the workshop.